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Warning: Category Design Invites Skepticism

by Alexis Skigen Rago on
“Liberated from alcohol”
“No added sugar”
How good can this wine be? I wondered skeptically.
Doubts filled the conversation as a friend described wine she wanted to bring over to my house for Rosh Hashanah dinner.
When she initially asked, “What kind of wine can I bring?” I shared I was on a metabolism reset which meant I wouldn’t be drinking. Plus, we have a ton of wine if she wanted to drink.
She is the kind of person who helps setup or cleanup at someone else’s party, by just jumping in or showing up early. She knows from hosting many events at her home, and volunteering endlessly at our temple. She is a mensch through and through.
So she pivoted and offered no sugar added, low calorie, and alcohol-free wine.
She’s also persistent. So even though I said “I probably won’t have any at all, but you bring what you want to drink.” She was determined to show up with something in hand, even after I told her she only needed to bring herself.
We poured with skepticism, sipped hesitantly, and after a few sips, I started to enjoy the flavor of the blend. I only had one glass, but the next night, I enjoyed another glass, and my parents did too.
The next morning, I really enjoyed no brain fog, no water retention (especially as reflected on the scale), no sluggish energy. Yes, it only takes one glass of wine for me to feel this way.
So kudos to OddBird (The Zero Proof) for “Liberated from alcohol” wine that tastes good, has 0% ABV, 28.8 calories per serving, and only 5.76 g of sugar - from grapes.
I had never heard of de alcoholized wine before and I will purchase more in the future. I thought my only option was to avoid wine (drink water), but that’s what Category Design does.
  • It makes you question the premise.
  • Dream a different future.
  • Point out the pain/challenge that customers/consumers have accepted and reject the accepted “truths” which limit solutions.
While I had nothing to do with this brilliant creation, I can help your small business reimagine a different future that shows Curiosity, Understanding, and Empathy (CUE) of your Dream Clients and the problems they face.
You will walk away from our time with clarity about your differentiation because of a value-add solution that is different.
Take a CUE, and see how your clients can feel seen and heard and watch your conversions increase because of strategies that resonate with your niche.
It’s time to embrace different and invite skepticism.
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