Private immersive-style sessions focused on your business from the foundation up.
Over the course of three weeks, we meet four separate times to create custom marketing strategies for your business to achieve your SMART goal. We will address your marketing challenges and goals. build your strategic, actionable, marketing plan:
- Identify and solidify the foundation of your business
- Define your brand beyond design
- Understand your Dream Clients
- Content and value-based messaging
- Detailed action plan
- Clarity in direction impacts culture, marketing, business decisions, team, clients, and more

You’ve successfully grown your business based on networking and referrals. You may have tried your hand in social media and email with some success as well. You know you can help more people but you aren’t sure how to reach them. You appreciate your clients, but you wish you were surrounded by your Dream Clients (who make up less than half your client portfolio).
It’s the 11th hour, the sales forecast seems to be unreachable, and kudos for having a forecast in place. How many more marketing tactics will you need to deploy to move the needle? How much money have you spent on digital ads? People aren't clicking so maybe you should try another catchy phrase.
Instead of throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks, or feeling desperation take a firm grip on you, you realize it’s time to focus and work on the business instead of in the business.
Marketing tactics that don’t have a strategic foundation can be inefficient and ineffective. You lose money, time, and resources, and you may be risking your company’s brand reputation.
You may think that strategy is expensive and you don't have time to dedicate to marketing efforts. The reality is the longer you wait, the bigger the challenges, and the greater the cost to do it the right way. That’s where a Mana Marathon can help.
A Mana Marathon is an efficient and effective way for small businesses to dive deep into your marketing challenges and goals and make progress in just three weeks, as we guide you through the process. What do you walk away with? It depends on your goal. We tailor each session to your needs as we guide you through our proven framework, starting with the foundational elements: Core Values, Purpose-Driven Mission statement, and Vision statement. We define a SMART goal for your company that is achievable over the next three months.
Next, we focus on your company's brand. This is understanding beyond colors, fonts, and logos. It's about your brand promise, how others view your brand, and fun things such as tone.
We then guide you through your Customer Journey, so you can understand your Dream Clients inside and out. We'll start to focus on messaging by matching your company's value-add benefits to your Dream Clients' pain points and needs.
Through all of our sessions, we highlight the value, benefits, and differentiation your company brings to the marketplace. We also create strategies to achieve your SMART Goal and outline actionable steps in an Action Plan.
The Mana Marathon package is more than a marketing plan and strategies, it’s an accelerator for your business' success. This includes the Discovery session, two half-day sessions, and the Finish Line session that occur over three consecutive weeks. This also includes all of our preparation work, as well as any materials provided. Each Mana Marathon is customized to your needs and may explore different areas of marketing. Mana Marathons are offered as in-person or virtual meetings, depending on your location and preference. There may be an additional fee for travel time and expenses.
Mana Marathon provides small business owners the opportunity to become empowered as you work on your marketing challenges and goals over the course of three weeks.
DISCOVERY: a two-hour session held in the first week to address Core Values and your Purpose-Driven Mission. As time permits, there may be discussions about Vision and a SMART Goal.
MARATHON SESSION #1: a four-hour session held in the second week. Based on the Discovery, we will continue our Vision, SMART Goal, and Brand work. This will be influenced by your Core Values, Purpose-Driven Mission, and Vision, as these are foundational elements of your brand. Your brand is key to differentiating your company in the marketplace, creating messaging that is relevant to your Dream Clients, and managing expectations and associations of the overall promise to your clients.
MARATHON SESSION #2: a four-hour session the next day, as a continuation of session #1. Once branding is complete, we shift to define and understand your Dream Clients (customer segment). We will choose one to explore deeply, understand who they are, where to find them, and create a customer journey to uncover the triggers and pain points your prospects experience before utilizing your company’s expertise and offerings.
FINISH LINE: a two-hour session held in the third week to complete the action plan, wrap up loose ends, and answer any questions. An Action Plan outlines the actionable next steps needed to begin the execution of the marketing strategies. The Action Plan includes strategies, actions, tactics, owners, and timelines that are aligned with your SMART Goal.
- Develop/refine Purpose-Driven Mission and Vision statements
- Understand Core Values
- Differentiate your Brand
- Identify your purpose
- Create SMART Goals
- Define your Dream Clients
- Develop a Customer Journey
- Clarify your Brand’s promise and tone
- Craft relevant messaging
- Build powerful connections with your customers
- Put structure in place
- Prioritize marketing activities
- Develop an action plan aligned with a SMART Goal
"Curiosity 2 CREATE started with two employees who desperately wanted to make an impact on creativity and education yet needed to clearly define goals, strategies, and marketing ideas. We needed someone to help us express our ideas in a cohesive manner that could be quickly understood by our audience. We found our ideal match in Alexis Rago, who helped us create the marketing and small business strategy for Curiosity 2 CREATE.
Alexis was able to quickly understand the unique mission of Curiosity 2 CREATE and develop an effective strategy with the following keywords (Core Values): Creative, Inspiring, Collaborative, Knowledgeable, and Community. She also provided valuable insight into how we should use this voice to clearly articulate how Curiosity 2 CREATE can make an impact in creative thinking and education.
Her expertise helped us craft messages that truly resonated with our ideal audience and achieved the impact we were hoping for. Since we are a startup non-profit, Alexis helped us clarify our origin story by developing a strong mission and vision statement. Collectively, we were able to define our values and develop tangible SMART goals.
Then Mana Marathon gave us time to specifically focus on who we are as a non-profit and who we want to become. By using deep and meaningful questioning, Alexis allowed us to reflect and deepen our understanding of the pathway we wanted to take.
We are thankful for having had the opportunity to work with Alexis and highly recommend her services to anyone else looking to create an effective marketing strategy. She was a pleasure to collaborate with and provided us with invaluable assistance! Thanks Alexis!"
Katie Trowbridge, President and CEO Curiosity 2 CREATE
Is a Mana Marathon right for you?
Set up a 30-minute complimentary call with us to discuss if these sessions are right for you.
Once you are ready to commit, contact us to schedule the sessions over three consecutive weeks and secure your spot with a deposit or full payment (depending on the timing).
Prep work
There is some homework (15-25 minutes) before the Discovery session begins. In addition, please share any relevant marketing materials with us so we can be well-prepared.
Your Mana Marathon begins with a 2-hour Discovery session in week 1, two consecutive half-day sessions in week 2, and a 2-hour Finish Line session to bring everything together in week 3.
What’s next
Everyone walks away with something different as it depends on the SMART goal you set in the Discovery session. You will have an Action Plan to follow with strategies, activities, chunks, and timing outlined, so you and your team can execute immediately.
Mana Marathon finishers see success when they are determined to achieve their marketing goal, continue with intention, commit to a growth mindset, and have a plan of accountability.
You get the most value by using the marketing plan we create. We do offer an additional four months of support to ensure your limiting beliefs and mindset aren't hindering your progress. We will be a great kick in your 'okole when you need it, and we will meet four times each month to answer questions, challenge you, and hold you accountable as we celebrate the actions you take.
Alexis helped me and my co-owner take a deep dive into our values and how we can allow these values to shine through to our target market. Alexis broke down our marketing into smaller, more manageable steps, to really explore our customer’s journey and how as a mental health practice we could best help where help is needed. Alexis’ bright and motivating personality stayed consistent through our 2 half-day boot camp which made the entire experience very enjoyable. I would highly recommend!
Brittany Roback Co-Owner of a mental health practice